If you are a large organisation it can be a great option to consider licensing MoodleBites courses.
We licence MoodleBites for Teachers, MoodleBites for Course Designers, and MoodleBites for Facilitators.
What does this mean?
In simple terms, you purchase MoodleBites courses and can then install them on your own Moodle server, and use them for staff training as you require.
Benefits of licensing MoodleBites for your organisation include:
- Highly cost-effective
MoodleBites is around US$200 per person (many other Moodle courses cost more a lot more than this, and are often poor in comparison).
The MoodleBites licence allows you to use the courses without any restriction on numbers.
So you could put 200+ staff through the course over it's lifetime, during multiple years, and save thousands of dollars in staff training costs, and have a close to zero implementation cost.
- Flexible
MoodleBites is structured as an 8 week programme (in 8 separate Moodle courses). However, it can be repackaged for any delivery method you wish to use. Each Topic could be a separate week for example. Or the whole course content could be opened-up on day one for a self-paced solution. It's completely up to you 
- We include a detailed installation guide to help you restore and customise to your exact needs.
Many organisations have created their own 'using Moodle' courses.
But this takes such a long time to do well.
The structure and design, resources, quiz creation and testing, graphics development, ... and then the pilot phase and changes, and keeping it up to date with new versions of Moodle released every 6 months ... it's a lot of work!
Put simply, the MoodleBites licence allows you to get up-and-running with the resources instantly - allowing your e-learning staff to concentrate on staff support - where they add most value to professional development.
- White label product - It's yours
Not only can you re-organise the content to suit your exact purpose, but the courses take a White Label approach and are designed to use Themes properly (no design hard-coding). So when you restore the courses to your own Moodle site and apply your Theme they instantly look like your own content 
- Always up to date
For a small annual fee you can access all the updates in these courses and integrate them directly into your own versions of the courses.
- Easy to install
Courses are supplied in the standard Moodle course backup format.
This means they can easily be restored by a site administrator to your Moodle site.
There are three licensing options:
- SMALL (less than 50 staff) - typically for Schools and Private Training Organisations
- One-off purchase of US$3,000 for all eight courses in a MoodleBites series.
- MEDIUM (between 50 to 100 staff) - typically for Polytechnics, companies, government departments
- One-off purchase of US$6,000 for all eight courses in a MoodleBites series.
- LARGE (more than 100 staff) - typically for Universities, government departments, multinational organisations
- One-off purchase of US$9,000 for all eight courses in a MoodleBites series.
Note 1: There is no additional tax added for International (non New Zealand) clients.
Note 2: These fees apply to MoodleBites for Teachers, and MoodleBites for Course Designers. The MoodleBites for Facilitators fee (smaller course) is 50% of the above fees.
Optional add-ons
- As above, but with one of our experienced course developers and facilitators to support your first run of the courses, and work with you to re-engineer courses as required US$1,000 per course series.
- As above, but with an updates agreement - meaning you can access all our updates in the courses for a single annual fee. The annual update fee is 50% of the initial one-off purchase fee.
Other useful information
Q. Are there any restrictions ?
A. Well, there are some. A license is applicable to your organisation only. You cannot use MoodleBites to train staff from other organisations, and you can't sell it. MoodleBites is also licensed on a 'per country' basis, so it's use is within your specified region.
We can discuss multi-region licensing if you require this.
Q. How much does it cost ?
A. Please see pricing details above.
We use http://www.xe.com/ to calculate/invoice in other currencies so you can check the current fees in your local currency.
Q. What about updates ?
A. If you take the option for updates you can access all courses on our servers and backup new resources and activities at any time and use them to update your own courses.
We have a detailed Wiki which our course developers and facilitators use to log course updates, so it's easy for you to identify changes, and 'cherry-pick' these for inclusion in your own courses whenever you wish.
Please note that only MoodleBites for Teachers, MoodleBites for Course Designers, and MoodleBites for Facilitators are available under this license agreement.
Next step ?
If you are interested in discussing this option please email our Helpdesk in the first instance - helpdesk[AT]hrdnz.com. Please note that you must be authorised by your institution to engage in such negotiations, and brief details of your role and responsibilities are required.