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When does my course end ?

Most MoodleBites courses are 8 weeks in duration.

You will therefore have 7 (days) x 8 (weeks) which is 56 days.

Allowance is made for time zones, and all participants on an 8 week course will have access for 56 full days (to the end of the final day, regardless of your individual time zone).

How do I get help ?

Once your course starts you will have access to course Forums where you can make posts and get help from your course facilitators (and possibly other participants!)

If you require help before you are enrolled in a course, you should email the Helpdesk - helpdesk[at]

What if I run out of time ?

First, you should ensure you do not register and start a course unless you have enough time to complete it.  As a general rule, courses take 2-4 hours per week (depending on your existing level of experience).

It is possible to re-take a course later, and this can often be discounted by 50% (excluding MCCC).

Can I transfer start dates ?

No, this is not possible, so please choose your course start date carefully.  Note that courses run multiple times each year.

In exceptional circumstances a date transfer may be possible.  You should contact helpdesk[at] with your request.

Are extensions possible ?

Unfortunately extensions are not possible because courses are scheduled with facilitators, and courses reset after completion ready for the next start date.

Who is MoodleBites ?

MoodleBites is the site used by HRDNZ (certified Moodle Partner since 2006) for our online courses.

What computer do I need for these courses ?

MoodleBites courses are designed to be highly-accessible by a variety of devices, including mobile devices.  However, as a general rule you will need to use a Desktop or Laptop computer.  It is of course possible to use Tablets and Smartphones to access Forums, view Grades, etc.  However, as these courses are for Teachers / Designers / Administrators / Developers you will need to use a full personal computer for many parts of the course. 

Can I use a Mac computer for courses here ?

Yes, absolutely !  It doesn't matter what type of computer you are using - Windows, Mac, Linux, ... the most important thing is that you have an up-to-date browser.  We highly recommend Firefox and Chrome, and for Mac Safari is good.  Internet Explorer sometimes has issues with Moodle, and you can avoid these by using one of the recommended browsers above smile

When do I have to pay ?

Payment is required for all courses before the start date.

We send course joining instructions a few days before the course start date so if you have not been invoiced and paid before this it can delay your start, or even mean you are moved to a later start date.  Plan ahead !  Our courses have limits on number of participants so register early to ensure you secure your place.

Can I get a refund?

Refunds are not possible with MoodleBites online courses.

The onus is on you to select a course and start date that will work for you. Please do not register or pay for courses unless you are sure you can complete.

In exceptional circumstances you may not be able to complete your chosen course (perhaps for reasons beyond your control).

In this situation you have three options:

  • Transfer your start date to a later course. Email Helpdesk - helpdesk[AT] and we will do our best to arrange a transfer.
  • Transfer to a different course. Contact the Helpdesk and we can usually transfer you to a different course (an additional fee may be required if the new course is a higher cost).
  • Substitute a different person - usually this will be a colleague from your organisation.

How can I pay for courses ?

Once you register we will send an invoice to you via email.

This will usually be a $USD invoice that can be paid using one of the major Credit Cards.

Invoices available in Euro on request.

We also provide our international bank details for direct bank credit.

How do I get an enrollment key?

You will be sent the course enrollment key by your course facilitator a few days before the course start date.  Please do not ask the Helpdesk to issue an enrollment key, only the course facilitator(s) can do this.

You will it be given a course enrolment key until:

  • You have registered for a course
  • You have been invoiced
  • Your payment has been received

How do I pay for a course?

Once you have registered for a course an invoice will be generated and sent to you via email smile

How do I register for a course?

On the Front Page of the site there is a "Register Now" link - it's an image on the left hand side.  The link is also available as "Register for a course" as an option under the 'Course outlines' menu.

How long is my course?

Every course has a specific duration, which you can find from the 'Course outlines' menu.

Most MoodleBites courses are 8 weeks in duration.

How many attempts do I have at end of week quizzes?

You have 3 attempts to pass each end of week quiz.
Note that there is an enforced delay between each attempt.

Where do I get my weekly course enrolment keys?

Once you have started a course, erolment keys are posted in the Announcements Forum (and automatically emailed to you).

You cannot get an enrolment key for any course unless you are first registered and paid for the course.

Please do not email Helpdesk for enrolment keys, only course Facilitators provide these.

Where do I get my MEC details?

Your assigned MEC facilitator-assessor is the only person who can provide you with MEC support (not Helpdesk).

Can I access the course after the enrolment period ?

No.  Once a course finishes you will be automatically un-enrolled.  After this point you will no longer be able gain access to the course materials.