Updated in 2022 for Moodle 3.11
(Most of the content is relevant for those using earlier versions of Moodle)MoodleBites for Facilitators is a 'closed-course' - meaning it is run as a private programme for a specific company. This allows HR and Training Managers to organise professional development in a private environment, and participants can discuss issues relating to their own organisation with each other in a private space 
- Certification of Completion from HRDNZ (Moodle Partner)
- Improved and faster course graphics
- Updated .pdf resources
- Streamlined Forums and communication
- More Quizzes and more self-test questions
- Facilitators of this course are highly experienced online teachers experienced with schools, universities, and the commercial sector
- Open Badge awarded

Run over 3-4 weeks, the focus is for individuals and groups who will be facilitating courses online with Moodle, not on content creation.
- Become an expert at the many different ways to setup Forums in Moodle
- Manage individuals and groups in courses
- Provide opportunities to collaborate online
- Best-practice research and examples
- Individual and group work
- Monitor and measure performance
- Evaluate courses effectively
MoodleBites for Facilitators is 3-4 weeks in duration and each week contains approximately 2-4 hours
work, although this varies depending on your experience with Moodle and
how much optional extension work you wish to complete. Designed for 'just in time' training, for busy teachers needing flexibility, and for those familiar or completely new to Moodle.
MoodleBites for Facilitators is US$995 (for a group of 3-10 people).
International fee includes credit card fees and currency exchange fees - there are no hidden charges. If you wish to translate this value to your local currency please visit: http://www.xe.com/ All invoices outside of New Zealand are in US Dollars USD$ (Euro invoices available by special request).
You can register a group for this course by sending an email to our helpdesk - helpdesk[AT]hrdnz.com
This course can start on the 1st of any month (excluding December and January).
In covering the content, each course includes:
- Printable reference material
- Forums and chat sessions
- Practical teaching examples
- FAQ's and glossaries
- Individual practice exercises
- Optional group activities
- Tips and tricks
- Selected relevant links
- Quizzes
- Recommended further reading
- Mobile friendly course design
MoodleBites for Facilitators is unique in a number of respects:
- It has a focus on how to use Moodle functionality effectively in teaching.
- The course development team is international and content has been written to be accessible for speakers of English as a second or other language.
- Designed to run smoothly even over slow internet connections and on older computers.
- Any audio content is replicated in text for improved accessibility.
- Mobile device friendly design.
Course outline
- Week 1 - Introductions, Forums, and more
This week we explore the amazing power of Moodle Forums, and how a teacher can use them creatively and effectively.
- Forums in Moodle
- Scenario case-study
- Quiz
- Week 2, Facilitation as an art
This week we explore some of the other tools with Moodle that can be used to effectively facilitate a course.
- Wiki for collaboration
- The Feedback activity
- Chat rooms for support
- Week 3, Monitoring, measuring and evaluating
This week we explore how a facilitator can skillfully monitor progress, catch learners at risk of poor performance, and design group activities that actually work!
- Course reports
- Other monitoring methods
- Designing successful group work
*This outline is subject to change as Moodle changes and we update the content.